
-1 rows


Labels: Mail Merge Template | Mail Merge Template


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
Id id 18 null

Label: Mail Merge Template ID

IsDeleted boolean 0 null

Label: Deleted

Name string 80 null

Label: Name

Description string 255 null

Label: Description

Filename string 255 null

Label: File

BodyLength int 8 null

Label: Body Length

Body base64 0 null

Label: Body

LastUsedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Last Used Date

CreatedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Created Date

CreatedById reference 18 null

Label: Created By ID

LastModifiedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Last Modified Date

LastModifiedById reference 18 null

Label: Last Modified By ID

SystemModstamp datetime 0 null

Label: System Modstamp

SecurityOptionsAttachmentScannedForXSS boolean 0 null

Label: Attachment has been scanned for XSS

SecurityOptionsAttachmentHasXSSThreat boolean 0 null

Label: XSS threat was detected in the attachment

SecurityOptionsAttachmentScannedforFlash boolean 0 null

Label: Attachment has been scanned for Flash Injection

SecurityOptionsAttachmentHasFlash boolean 0 null

Label: Flash Injection was detected in the attachment


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
FakeIndex102 Must be unique Asc Id

Diagram producer might be missing

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