
-1 rows


Labels: Opportunity | Opportunities


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
Id id 18 null
AccountPartner.OpportunityId FakeFK342C
Lead.ConvertedOpportunityId FakeFK298C
OpportunityCompetitor.OpportunityId FakeFK262C
OpportunityContactRole.OpportunityId FakeFK224C
OpportunityFeed.ParentId FakeFK347C
OpportunityFieldHistory.OpportunityId FakeFK250C
OpportunityHistory.OpportunityId FakeFK353C
OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId FakeFK226C
OpportunityPartner.OpportunityId FakeFK401C
OpportunityShare.OpportunityId FakeFK233C
Partner.OpportunityId FakeFK209C

Label: Opportunity ID

IsDeleted boolean 0 null

Label: Deleted

AccountId reference 18 null
Account.Id FakeFK431C

Label: Account ID
Referenced: Opportunities (cascade delete)

Name string 120 null

Label: Name

Description textarea 32000 null

Label: Description

StageName picklist 40 null

Label: Stage
Picklist: Prospecting | Qualification | Needs Analysis | Value Proposition | Id. Decision Makers | Perception Analysis | Proposal/Price Quote | Negotiation/Review | Closed Won | Closed Lost

Amount currency 18 null

Label: Amount

Probability percent 3 null

Label: Probability (%)

CloseDate date 0 null

Label: Close Date

Type picklist 40 null

Label: Opportunity Type
Picklist: Existing Business | New Business

NextStep string 255 null

Label: Next Step

LeadSource picklist 40 null

Label: Lead Source
Picklist: Advertisement | Employee Referral | External Referral | Partner | Public Relations | Seminar - Internal | Seminar - Partner | Trade Show | Web | Word of mouth | Other

IsClosed boolean 0 null

Label: Closed

IsWon boolean 0 null

Label: Won

ForecastCategory picklist 40 null

Label: Forecast Category
Picklist: Omitted | Pipeline | BestCase | Forecast | Closed

ForecastCategoryName picklist 40 null

Label: Forecast Category
Picklist: Omitted | Pipeline | Best Case | Commit | Closed

CampaignId reference 18 null
Campaign.Id FakeFK432C

Label: Campaign ID
Referenced: Opportunities

HasOpportunityLineItem boolean 0 null

Label: Has Line Item

Pricebook2Id reference 18 null
Pricebook2.Id FakeFK433C

Label: Price Book ID
Referenced: Opportunities

OwnerId reference 18 null

Label: Owner ID

CreatedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Created Date

CreatedById reference 18 null

Label: Created By ID

LastModifiedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Last Modified Date

LastModifiedById reference 18 null

Label: Last Modified By ID

SystemModstamp datetime 0 null

Label: System Modstamp

LastActivityDate date 0 null

Label: Last Activity

FiscalQuarter int 8 null

Label: Fiscal Quarter

FiscalYear int 8 null

Label: Fiscal Year

Fiscal string 6 null

Label: Fiscal Period


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
FakeIndex112 Must be unique Asc Id
