
-1 rows


Labels: History: Sent Email | History: Sent Email


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
Id id 18 null

Label: Entity History ID

IsDeleted boolean 0 null

Label: Deleted

ParentId reference 18 null

Label: Parent ID

CreatedById reference 18 null

Label: Created By ID

CreatedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Created Date

Field picklist 255 null

Label: Changed Field
Picklist: gsdm__Account__c | gsdm__Click_Count__c | created | gsdm__Delivered_Date__c | gsdm__Delivery_Response__c | gsdm__Error_Message__c | feedEvent | individualMerged | gsdm__MC_External_Id__c | Name | gsdm__Open_Count__c | Owner | ownerAccepted | ownerAssignment | locked | unlocked | gsdm__Related_Id__c | gsdm__Request_Body__c | gsdm__Send_Error__c | gsdm__Send_Response__c | gsdm__Sent_By__c | gsdm__Status__c | gsdm__Submitted_Date__c | gsdm__Email_Template__c | gsdm__To_Address__c

OldValue anyType 255 null

Label: Old Value

NewValue anyType 255 null

Label: New Value


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
FakeIndex176 Must be unique Asc Id

Diagram producer might be missing

No diagrams were produced please see application output for any errors