
-1 rows


Labels: Apex Job | Apex Jobs


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
Id id 18 null
AsyncApexJob.ParentJobId FakeFK408C

Label: Apex Job ID

CreatedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Created Date

CreatedById reference 18 null

Label: Created By ID

JobType picklist 40 null

Label: Job Type
Picklist: Future | SharingRecalculation | ScheduledApex | BatchApex | BatchApexWorker | TestRequest | TestWorker | ApexToken | Queueable

ApexClassId reference 18 null
ApexClass.Id FakeFK407C

Label: Class ID

Status picklist 40 null

Label: Status
Picklist: Queued | Processing | Aborted | Completed | Failed | Preparing | Holding

JobItemsProcessed int 9 null

Label: Batches Processed

TotalJobItems int 9 null

Label: Total Batches

NumberOfErrors int 9 null

Label: Failures

CompletedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Completion Date

MethodName string 255 null

Label: Apex Method

ExtendedStatus string 255 null

Label: Status Detail

ParentJobId reference 18 null
AsyncApexJob.Id FakeFK408C

Label: Apex Job ID

LastProcessed string 15 null

Label: Last ID processed and committed

LastProcessedOffset int 9 null

Label: Offset of last ID processed and committed


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
FakeIndex28 Must be unique Asc Id
