
-1 rows


Labels: Contact | Contacts


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
Id id 18 null
Account.PersonContactId FakeFK320C
AccountContactRole.ContactId FakeFK244C
Asset.ContactId FakeFK276C
CampaignMember.ContactId FakeFK416C
Case.ContactId FakeFK228C
CaseContactRole.ContactId FakeFK346C
CaseTeamMember.MemberId FakeFK362C
CaseTeamTemplateMember.MemberId FakeFK236C
Contact.MasterRecordId FakeFK299C
Contact.ReportsToId FakeFK301C
ContactFeed.ParentId FakeFK263C
ContactHistory.ContactId FakeFK268C
ContactShare.ContactId FakeFK409C
Contract.CustomerSignedId FakeFK374C
ContractContactRole.ContactId FakeFK206C
Lead.ConvertedContactId FakeFK297C
OpportunityContactRole.ContactId FakeFK225C
Order.CustomerAuthorizedById FakeFK259C

Label: Contact ID

IsDeleted boolean 0 null

Label: Deleted

MasterRecordId reference 18 null
Contact.Id FakeFK299C

Label: Master Record ID

AccountId reference 18 null
Account.Id FakeFK300C

Label: Account ID
Referenced: Contacts (cascade delete)

IsPersonAccount boolean 0 null

Label: Is Person Account

LastName string 80 null

Label: Last Name

FirstName string 40 null

Label: First Name

Salutation picklist 40 null

Label: Salutation
Picklist: Mr. | Ms. | Mrs. | Dr. | Prof.

Name string 121 null

Label: Full Name

OtherStreet textarea 255 null

Label: Other Street

OtherCity string 40 null

Label: Other City

OtherState string 80 null

Label: Other State/Province

OtherPostalCode string 20 null

Label: Other Zip/Postal Code

OtherCountry string 80 null

Label: Other Country

MailingStreet textarea 255 null

Label: Mailing Street

MailingCity string 40 null

Label: Mailing City

MailingState string 80 null

Label: Mailing State/Province

MailingPostalCode string 20 null

Label: Mailing Zip/Postal Code

MailingCountry string 80 null

Label: Mailing Country

Phone phone 40 null

Label: Business Phone

Fax phone 40 null

Label: Business Fax

MobilePhone phone 40 null

Label: Mobile Phone

HomePhone phone 40 null

Label: Home Phone

OtherPhone phone 40 null

Label: Other Phone

AssistantPhone phone 40 null

Label: Asst. Phone

ReportsToId reference 18 null
Contact.Id FakeFK301C

Label: Reports To ID

Email email 80 null

Label: Email

Title string 128 null

Label: Title

Department string 80 null

Label: Department

AssistantName string 40 null

Label: Assistant’s Name

LeadSource picklist 40 null

Label: Lead Source
Picklist: Advertisement | Employee Referral | External Referral | Partner | Public Relations | Seminar - Internal | Seminar - Partner | Trade Show | Web | Word of mouth | Other

Birthdate date 0 null

Label: Birthdate

Description textarea 32000 null

Label: Contact Description

OwnerId reference 18 null

Label: Owner ID

DoNotCall boolean 0 null

Label: Do Not Call

CreatedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Created Date

CreatedById reference 18 null

Label: Created By ID

LastModifiedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Last Modified Date

LastModifiedById reference 18 null

Label: Last Modified By ID

SystemModstamp datetime 0 null

Label: System Modstamp

LastActivityDate date 0 null

Label: Last Activity

LastCURequestDate datetime 0 null

Label: Last Stay-in-Touch Request Date

LastCUUpdateDate datetime 0 null

Label: Last Stay-in-Touch Save Date

EmailBouncedReason string 255 null

Label: Email Bounced Reason

EmailBouncedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Email Bounced Date

Jigsaw string 20 null

Label: Key


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
FakeIndex51 Must be unique Asc Id
