
-1 rows


Labels: Event | Events


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
Id id 18 null
Event.RecurrenceActivityId FakeFK310C
EventAttendee.EventId FakeFK241C
EventFeed.ParentId FakeFK419C

Label: Activity ID

WhoId reference 18 null
Lead.Id FakeFK307C

Label: Name ID
Referenced: Events (cascade delete)

WhatId reference 18 null
Solution.Id FakeFK308C

Label: Related To ID
Referenced: Events (cascade delete)

Subject combobox 255 null

Label: Subject
Picklist: Call | Email | Meeting | Send Letter/Quote | Other

Location string 255 null

Label: Location

IsAllDayEvent boolean 0 null

Label: All-Day Event

ActivityDateTime datetime 0 null

Label: Due Date Time

ActivityDate date 0 null

Label: Due Date Only

DurationInMinutes int 8 null

Label: Duration

StartDateTime datetime 0 null

Label: Start Date Time

EndDateTime datetime 0 null

Label: End Date Time

Description textarea 32000 null

Label: Description

AccountId reference 18 null
Account.Id FakeFK309C

Label: Account ID

OwnerId reference 18 null

Label: Assigned To ID

IsPrivate boolean 0 null

Label: Private

ShowAs picklist 40 null

Label: Show Time As
Picklist: Busy | OutOfOffice | Free

IsDeleted boolean 0 null

Label: Deleted

IsChild boolean 0 null

Label: Is Child

IsGroupEvent boolean 0 null

Label: Is Group Event

GroupEventType picklist 40 null

Label: Group Event Type
Picklist: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3

CreatedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Created Date

CreatedById reference 18 null

Label: Created By ID

LastModifiedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Last Modified Date

LastModifiedById reference 18 null

Label: Last Modified By ID

SystemModstamp datetime 0 null

Label: System Modstamp

IsArchived boolean 0 null

Label: Archived

RecurrenceActivityId reference 18 null
Event.Id FakeFK310C

Label: Recurrence Activity ID
Referenced: RecurringEvents

IsRecurrence boolean 0 null

Label: Create Recurring Series of Events

RecurrenceStartDateTime datetime 0 null

Label: Recurrence Start

RecurrenceEndDateOnly date 0 null

Label: Recurrence End

RecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey picklist 40 null

Label: Recurrence Time Zone
Picklist: Pacific/Kiritimati | Pacific/Chatham | Pacific/Auckland | Pacific/Enderbury | Pacific/Fiji | Pacific/Tongatapu | Asia/Kamchatka | Pacific/Norfolk | Australia/Lord_Howe | Australia/Sydney | Pacific/Guadalcanal | Australia/Adelaide | Australia/Brisbane | Australia/Darwin | Asia/Seoul | Asia/Tokyo | Asia/Hong_Kong | Asia/Kuala_Lumpur | Asia/Manila | Asia/Shanghai | Asia/Singapore | Asia/Taipei | Australia/Perth | Asia/Bangkok | Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh | Asia/Jakarta | Asia/Rangoon | Asia/Dhaka | Asia/Kathmandu | Asia/Colombo | Asia/Kolkata | Asia/Karachi | Asia/Tashkent | Asia/Yekaterinburg | Asia/Kabul | Asia/Dubai | Asia/Tbilisi | Asia/Tehran | Africa/Nairobi | Asia/Baghdad | Asia/Kuwait | Asia/Riyadh | Europe/Istanbul | Europe/Minsk | Europe/Moscow | Africa/Cairo | Africa/Johannesburg | Asia/Jerusalem | Europe/Athens | Europe/Bucharest | Europe/Helsinki | Africa/Algiers | Europe/Amsterdam | Europe/Berlin | Europe/Brussels | Europe/Paris | Europe/Prague | Europe/Rome | Europe/Dublin | Europe/Lisbon | Europe/London | GMT | Atlantic/Cape_Verde | Atlantic/South_Georgia | America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires | America/Santiago | America/Sao_Paulo | America/St_Johns | America/Caracas | America/Halifax | America/Puerto_Rico | Atlantic/Bermuda | America/Bogota | America/Indiana/Indianapolis | America/Lima | America/New_York | America/Panama | America/Chicago | America/El_Salvador | America/Mexico_City | America/Denver | America/Phoenix | America/Los_Angeles | America/Tijuana | America/Anchorage | Pacific/Honolulu | Pacific/Niue | Pacific/Pago_Pago

RecurrenceType picklist 40 null

Label: Recurrence Type
Picklist: RecursDaily | RecursEveryWeekday | RecursMonthly | RecursMonthlyNth | RecursWeekly | RecursYearly | RecursYearlyNth

RecurrenceInterval int 9 null

Label: Recurrence Interval

RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask int 9 null

Label: Recurrence Day of Week Mask

RecurrenceDayOfMonth int 9 null

Label: Recurrence Day of Month

RecurrenceInstance picklist 40 null

Label: Recurrence Instance
Picklist: First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last

RecurrenceMonthOfYear picklist 40 null

Label: Recurrence Month of Year
Picklist: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

ReminderDateTime datetime 0 null

Label: Reminder Date/Time

IsReminderSet boolean 0 null

Label: Reminder Set


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
FakeIndex75 Must be unique Asc Id
