
-1 rows


Labels: Task | Tasks


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
Id id 18 null
Attachment.ParentId FakeFK365C
ContentDocumentLink.LinkedEntityId FakeFK217C
ContentVersion.FirstPublishLocationId FakeFK385C
EmailMessage.ActivityId FakeFK314C
EmailStatus.TaskId FakeFK274C
EntitySubscription.ParentId FakeFK375C
FeedComment.ParentId FakeFK418C
FeedItem.ParentId FakeFK311C
NewsFeed.ParentId FakeFK207C
Task.RecurrenceActivityId FakeFK335C
TaskFeed.ParentId FakeFK327C
UserProfileFeed.ParentId FakeFK197C

Label: Activity ID

WhoId reference 18 null
Lead.Id FakeFK332C

Label: Name ID
Referenced: Tasks (cascade delete)

WhatId reference 18 null
Solution.Id FakeFK333C

Label: Related To ID
Referenced: Tasks (cascade delete)

Subject combobox 255 null

Label: Subject
Picklist: Call | Send Letter | Send Quote | Other

ActivityDate date 0 null

Label: Due Date Only

Status picklist 40 null

Label: Status
Picklist: Not Started | In Progress | Completed | Waiting on someone else | Deferred

Priority picklist 40 null

Label: Priority
Picklist: High | Normal | Low

OwnerId reference 18 null

Label: Assigned To ID

Description textarea 32000 null

Label: Description

IsDeleted boolean 0 null

Label: Deleted

AccountId reference 18 null
Account.Id FakeFK334C

Label: Account ID

IsClosed boolean 0 null

Label: Closed

CreatedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Created Date

CreatedById reference 18 null

Label: Created By ID

LastModifiedDate datetime 0 null

Label: Last Modified Date

LastModifiedById reference 18 null

Label: Last Modified By ID

SystemModstamp datetime 0 null

Label: System Modstamp

IsArchived boolean 0 null

Label: Archived

CallDurationInSeconds int 8 null

Label: Call Duration

CallType picklist 40 null

Label: Call Type
Picklist: Internal | Inbound | Outbound

CallDisposition string 255 null

Label: Call Result

CallObject string 255 null

Label: Call Object Identifier

ReminderDateTime datetime 0 null

Label: Reminder Date/Time

IsReminderSet boolean 0 null

Label: Reminder Set

RecurrenceActivityId reference 18 null
Task.Id FakeFK335C

Label: Recurrence Activity ID
Referenced: RecurringTasks

IsRecurrence boolean 0 null

Label: Create Recurring Series of Tasks

RecurrenceStartDateOnly date 0 null

Label: Recurrence Start

RecurrenceEndDateOnly date 0 null

Label: Recurrence End

RecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey picklist 40 null

Label: Recurrence Time Zone
Picklist: Pacific/Kiritimati | Pacific/Chatham | Pacific/Auckland | Pacific/Enderbury | Pacific/Fiji | Pacific/Tongatapu | Asia/Kamchatka | Pacific/Norfolk | Australia/Lord_Howe | Australia/Sydney | Pacific/Guadalcanal | Australia/Adelaide | Australia/Brisbane | Australia/Darwin | Asia/Seoul | Asia/Tokyo | Asia/Hong_Kong | Asia/Kuala_Lumpur | Asia/Manila | Asia/Shanghai | Asia/Singapore | Asia/Taipei | Australia/Perth | Asia/Bangkok | Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh | Asia/Jakarta | Asia/Rangoon | Asia/Dhaka | Asia/Kathmandu | Asia/Colombo | Asia/Kolkata | Asia/Karachi | Asia/Tashkent | Asia/Yekaterinburg | Asia/Kabul | Asia/Dubai | Asia/Tbilisi | Asia/Tehran | Africa/Nairobi | Asia/Baghdad | Asia/Kuwait | Asia/Riyadh | Europe/Istanbul | Europe/Minsk | Europe/Moscow | Africa/Cairo | Africa/Johannesburg | Asia/Jerusalem | Europe/Athens | Europe/Bucharest | Europe/Helsinki | Africa/Algiers | Europe/Amsterdam | Europe/Berlin | Europe/Brussels | Europe/Paris | Europe/Prague | Europe/Rome | Europe/Dublin | Europe/Lisbon | Europe/London | GMT | Atlantic/Cape_Verde | Atlantic/South_Georgia | America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires | America/Santiago | America/Sao_Paulo | America/St_Johns | America/Caracas | America/Halifax | America/Puerto_Rico | Atlantic/Bermuda | America/Bogota | America/Indiana/Indianapolis | America/Lima | America/New_York | America/Panama | America/Chicago | America/El_Salvador | America/Mexico_City | America/Denver | America/Phoenix | America/Los_Angeles | America/Tijuana | America/Anchorage | Pacific/Honolulu | Pacific/Niue | Pacific/Pago_Pago

RecurrenceType picklist 40 null

Label: Recurrence Type
Picklist: RecursDaily | RecursEveryWeekday | RecursMonthly | RecursMonthlyNth | RecursWeekly | RecursYearly | RecursYearlyNth

RecurrenceInterval int 9 null

Label: Recurrence Interval

RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask int 9 null

Label: Recurrence Day of Week Mask

RecurrenceDayOfMonth int 9 null

Label: Recurrence Day of Month

RecurrenceInstance picklist 40 null

Label: Recurrence Instance
Picklist: First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last

RecurrenceMonthOfYear picklist 40 null

Label: Recurrence Month of Year
Picklist: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
FakeIndex167 Must be unique Asc Id
